Tuesday 10 September 2013

Christina Aguilera - Fighter

Although  this is a very short clip from her music video I like a lot of things about it. I like how the actor is made o look crooked by bending far forward and this makes her look unnaturally bent. I also like how a shallow depth of field is used to make the hands a main focus point for the viewers to look at. Her hands look very gracious and elegant however because of her crooked posture the gracious delicate movement has a different surreal sinister perspective.
                This short clip will help me when creating my own video as I will consider different camera focusing techniques to create different effects and I will consider were I would like my actor to place the main point of focus for my viewers to fixate on.

I like the idea of her having two identities in this music video and they are easily presented to the viewers through he use of contrasting colours and materials for example black and white and at first she wore black silk and then it changed to like a cotton material. This creates more of a narrative within the video as viewers see her character develop adapt and change throughout.
                        For my own music video I would like to represent the elements of having two different sides of a character as I have found by doing my research alternate worlds is commonly represented in alternative rock videos for example 'Linkin Park- paper Cut and Hollywood Undead- DeadBite'.

  In this clip we see lots of different shots of different eyes at different angles. The eyes are all shot at a close up and this adds definition and beauty to the eyes. The different make up techniques gives us the impression of lots of different people were the eyes could all be from one model. The eyes are supposed to show emotion and are said to be the windows to the soul. Weird eyes weird soul?
                   I think the different close up shots will look interesting in my music video and help allow me to create the atmosphere I want and represent and show my narrative and intentions clearly.

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